Basically meaning that the cable colors for easy checking when things go wrong or short-circuit the electrical section. Many ordinary people who do not know exactly when the electrical circuit through one circuit can also surge and burned wires. So instead I got a little confused about the meaning of the color picture of the motorcycle wiring.
Honda-Red: battery positive terminal (+).-Green: Negative battery terminal (+).-Black: Output current that comes out of the battery positive (usually from the ignition).-Blue: Light distance away.-White: Lamp Close Up.-Yellow: The load current to switch the lights / output of the regulator.-Red Black: Flow spull towards CDI CDI.-Grey: The outflow diholder flasher switch towards the left.-Black White: Key contacts.Black-Yellow: The current that goes to the coil.Blue-Yellow: The current leading CDI CDI pulser.Yellow-Green: Output brake light into brake light.-Brown: City Lights.-Blue Sea: Sein right.-Orange: Sein left.
Yamaha-Red: The load current battery positive (+).-Black: mass for all the negatives.-Green: The current headlight illumination / light melee.-Yellow: Light distance.Red and White: The current CDI pulser.White-Green: (-) CDI pulser "alpha".-Green Black: Output into brake lights.-Black Red: Output spull to CDI "alpha".-Orange: Input to the coil.-Brown: The current output is out of battery towards the positive contact and out through contacts.-Dark Green: Reting / right turn signal.-Dark Brown: Reting / sein left.
Suzuki-Black & White: The validity period for all negativeWhite-Red: Charging of spull-Yellow: Light distance.-White: light melee / input to the light switch.-Blue Sea: Output flasher to switch reting.-Dark Green: Inflows into the horn.-Orange: The current coming out of the ignition / battery positive output to the contact.-Red: positive current battery.-Grey: Out put brake lights.-Black: Sein left.-Light Green: Right Sein.
KawasakiRed and White: The positive battery.Black-Yellow: Mass applies to all negative.-Red Black: Light distance.Red-Yellow: Light melee.-Red: rear lights.-Brown: HORN.-Green: Sein left.-Grey: Sein right.Blue-Yellow: The current pulser (+).
For other cable color meaning may have memorized so I write roughly necessary.
Title : Meaning Complete Cable Color Motorcycle
Description : Basically meaning that the cable colors for easy checking when things go wrong or short-circuit the electrical section. Many ordinary peo...